CIS-313 Network Security (Spring 2021)

Total Duration:
Review : 0


Course Intended Learning Outcome (CILO):

(1)    Identify the fundamental Security for the computer network with and without the internet.

(2)    Describe the conceptual and implementation aspects of security applications and their use in most of the applications such as HTTP, SMTP, and FTP.

(3)    Investigate the implementation details on both reliable and unreliable services that can be provided by several cryptographies.

(4)    Identify and make a critique of the underlying principles of cryptographic algorithms and its related protocols being applied to the Internet.

(5)    Describe the services, principle, and specific security provided in the Local area network like firewall.  

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Course delivery Plan |
Lecture-1 (5th Batch CIS) Spring 2021
Lecture-1 (Spring 2021) |
Lecture-2(Spring 2021)
Lecture-2 (Spring 21) |
Lecture-3 (pdf) |
Lecture-3 (Recording Spring 2021)
Lecture-4 (Recording Spring 2021)
Lecture-5 (Spring 2021)
Introduction to Cryptography (Spring 2021) |
Introduction to Cryptography (Recording Spring 2021)
Lecture-8 on Dynamic Routing
Lecture-9 on ACL
Lab-1 (Spring 21) |
Lab-1 Theory (Spring 2021)
Lab-1 (Spring 2021)
Lab-3 on Dynamic Routing
Assignment (Theory)-Spring 2021 |
Lab Assignment-2021 |
Lab on NAT & PAT CIS
NAT & PAT (CIS Theory)
Final Lab Assessment-1 |

_CIS_Dr. Md. Nadir Bin Ali

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